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Resources - Links to Other Sites of Interest

Audubon Interactive Bird Migration Explorer Fall 2022


Wildlife Program – BCMOTI Environmental Management Branch May 2020.


Coexistence Recreation and Grizzly Bears in the Backcountry

January 2020 Whistler AWARE and Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative:

A huge flood in the Fraser River valley, British Columbia, near the Pleistocene Termination
John J. Clague a,⁎, Nicholas J. Roberts a,b, Brendan Miller c, Brian Menounos d, Brent Goehring e Geomorphology 374 (2021) 107473



REPORT OF NATURAL RESOURCE VIOLATION  This is for the public (our membership) to report any potential alleged infractions that our membership might come across while enjoying nature. People should not approach alleged offenders, but simply observe, record, report to the authorities via this report in the link that can then be emailed, mailed, faxed or delivered in person to a FrontCounter office. Photos can be uploaded to the report as well.



Observations on the May 2019 Joffre Peak landslides, British Columbia by Pierre Friele I Tom H. Millard I Andrew Mitchell I Kate E. Allstadt I Brian Menounos I Marten Geertsema I John J. Clague


Economic growth as the limiting factor for wildlife conservation by Brian Czech (Wildlife Society Bulletin 2000, 28(1):4–15)


Lillooet Natural History - A geomorphic perspective, Pierre Friele 2017


Glendenning 1921 Fauna Flora Mt McLean Proc BCEntSoc (PDF 2.2 MB)


Forest Practices Code of BC Biodiversity Guidebook Sep 1995 (PDF 8 MB)


The Happy Cat - Tips for Responsible Pet Ownership, The Stewardship Centre for BC (PDF Brochure)

2016/17 report Bridge and Seton Watersheds: Tailed Frog Environmental DNA Assessment.

Species At Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Land (SARPAL)

Species at Risk and Local Government: A Primer for British Columbia

Pavilion Lake – Home 


NASA Pavilion Lake Research Project

Underwater Research Lab – Pavilion Lake Project

Satellite image of British Columbia – check it out you may be surprised!

Lillooet Clear Sky Chart

The World Atlas of the Artificial Night Sky Brightness

Mt. Meager Volcanic Ash

Google search: geology in Lillooet 

092 - BCGS Bedrock Mapping Inventory

092J - BCGS Bedrock Mapping Inventory

The MapPlace - Lillooet LRMP and Map

Chapter 6. Geology of the Fraser River-Lillooet to Gang Ranch

Late Holocene Fluctuations of Lillooet Glacier, Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia

Ministry of Environment - Water Stewardship Division - Ground Water NTS Filing System


Canadian Forest Service

Ecological Restoration in Southeastern British Columbia —Grasslands to Mountaintops. Notes from conference October 12-13, 2007, co-hosted by the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology and the British Columbia Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration.


AFTER THE MELTDOWN: Economic Redesign for the 21st Century by David Korten"The task before us is to replace the culture and institutions of a twentieth-century economy designed and managed to serve financial values with the culture and institutions of a new twenty-first-century economy designed to serve life values. The former undoubtedly leads to environmental, social, and economic collapse. The latter holds promise of leading to the world most humans really want for themselves and their children-a world of healthy, happy children, families, and communities living together in peace in vibrant, healthy, natural environments. It is ours to choose." 

British Columbia Breeding Bird Atlas: The first year results of the BC Breeding Bird Atlas are visible online as a series of maps. This data base is being compiled by birders all across BC and is going to be an invaluable conservation tool. Everyone can participate, as even casual breeding records are very important. 

Loons On Our Lakes Information Sheet: Information sheet handout consists of a single 8x11" sheet (landscape orientation) with text on the front and illustrations to help people interpret loon behaviour on the back. The loon behaviour illustrations are from The Loon Preservation Committee (New Hampshire) and used with their permission. The sheet should be "Z folded" (two folds) to make three panels, with the "Loons On Our Lakes" heading on the front panel.

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